little children

Title : Little Children
"But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Mark 10:14"
Devotion : The love of Christ Jesus is no respecter of persons; He loved everyone including the children. The disciple didn't know this until the scenario in Mark 10:14 occurred. Children can easily be ignored by adults for many reasons, but Jesus Christ has a special place for them. He said unless the kingdom of heaven is received like a child we will by no means enter it. The attitude of the child always acknowledges the parents or adults as knowing best, therefore the child receives a gift from the parents without any doubt or question whatsoever. Furthermore, children have the following qualities: forgiving, kind, obedient, humble, teachable, eager to learn, and completely trusting of their parents. These are the qualities God wants us to have so we can inherit His kingdom. Dear reader, which of the qualities of a child do you have? Share your thoughts with other readers!


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