Strict obedience of covenant practice, without negotiating Divine instructions, is key to wealth and abundance.

SCRIPTURE: Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper. 2 Chronicles 20:20 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Strict obedience of covenant practice, without negotiating Divine instructions, is key to wealth and abundance. The Will of God for the church is that the Body of Christ produces the wealthiest billionaires on earth. This is because in every generation in the Bible, the wealthiest and most influential people were covenant people. These were covenant people who strictly obeyed covenant principles. But today, people negotiate God’s instruction. So, strict obedience of covenant practice, without negotiating Divine instructions, is key to wealth and abundance. Voodoo and Hindu believers would strictly adhere to what their priests tell them to do. Other religious adherents strictly do what their leaders tell them to do, but Christians usually negotiate the instruction of their priest. An unbeliever businessman would di...